REGISTER TODAY for January 2015 workshop:
- Get ready to go to the next level!
There absolutely exists both the desire and ability for “more” and “better” in each of us. Is it a new business venture? Or growth of your current business? Is it a personal challenge or a desire to move your work team forward? A big life change or that aggravating itch for something beyond your present scope that you just know needs to be done to move you, your business or your community forward? Tired of counting on someone else to get the job done? “Leadership Unleashed” will bring participants to a clearer way of thinking about how we lead ourselves and others, kick down the walls that block our success, allowing us to take hold of the future and bring us to the next level: time for you to lead the way.
- Leadership defined – clearing up the misconceptions and embracing your ability to lead in your present environment – whatever that may be.
- Who you are is what you use! – Introvert or extrovert, male or female, adventurous or cautious, timid or bold – our differences are endless. So are our ways to lead. We’ll focus on the differences in male and female leadership styles and learn to use who we are to get us to where we want to be.
- Vision Path – Don’t know what you want? This component will guide you in articulating your desired outcome and the path that will get you get you there will unfold.
- Engagement - Understanding the immense value of engaging those around you to deliver what you and they want, and the tools to get it done.
- Measuring Success - Success is different for each of us, but it’s important we set up tools to measure how far we’ve come in what we’ve set out to accomplish.
- Top 10 absolute musts of moving forward - complete with the “how to” component!
- … AND LOTS MORE that will propel you to the next level personally and professionally!
DATE: Monday, January 26, 2015
TIME: 9:00a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
PLACE: Rodd Grand Hotel, Yarmouth, NS
FEE: $199 tax included per person – LUNCH INCLUDED!
* SEND 3 and your 4th person comes free!
Register below via PayPal or by filling out and mailing form below together with cheque or money order to:
Pam Mood Consulting, 23 Chestnut St, Yarmouth, NS B5A 2N5
Email: with any questions you may have!